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IT eMail server PCL to PDF conversion

Converting PCL data files into Adobe Acrobat PDF files.
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The best way to see if JetPCL is right for you , is to download our evaluation kit. The evaluation packages includes; a limited version of JetPCL, instructions, testing files and documentation. Evaluate JetPCL Now »
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JetPCL® Knowledge Base

Browse our Knowledge Base for assistance with JetPCL implementation with sample source code and articles. Also included are a varity of utility programs that may assist with PCL troubleshooting and system testing.


JetPclVC Visual C/C++ Example source code.
This file includes the source code to the JetPclVC.exe example program that is included in the JetPCL Software Develope
JetPclVB Visual Basic Example source code.
This file includes the source code to the NEW JetPclVB.exe example program. This source code shows how to use th
JetPclCS Microsoft C# Example source code.
This file includes Microsoft C# source code which may be used as an example of how the JetPCL Win32 DLL or EXE may be i
JetPclJV Java Example source code.
This file includes Java source code which may be used as an example of how the JetPCL Win32 EXE may be easily called fr
JetPclDP Delphi Pascal Example source code.
This file includes Delphi Pascal source code which may be used as an example of how the JetPCL Win32 DLL may be interfa
JetPclPL Perl Script Example code.
This file includes a Perl script sample which may be used as an example of how the JetPCL Win32 EXE may be called from
DumpPCL PCL analysis program file.
This program is useful for diagnosing problem PCL files. It creates a text file listing all of the PCL escape codes fou
TiffDump TIFF tag analysis program file.
This program is useful for finding out what tags are contained in a TIFF file. It creates a text file listing all the t
What Linux platforms will JetPCL run on?

JetPCL is compiled on a RedHat Intel x86 machine. We expect that it will run on any x86 linux platform that has the

PclPrint direct LPTx: print utility program.
This file includes PCLPRINT.EXE which is from Tech Know Systems. It is used to send a PCL file directly to the LPT1: o
How do I use the Win32 DLL in multi-threaded code?
This article is from the Microsoft knowledge base regarding DLL's and how global data in handled on Win32 systems. For m
What print driver works best with JetPCL?
JetPCL is designed to work with output from any PCL-4, PCL-5 or PCL-5e print driver or application that produces this ty
How do I know which PCL features are supported?
Refer to the JetPCL User Guide for details on exactly which LaserJet internal fonts and what PCL escape codes are suppor
What is a JetPCL Developer format?
JetPCL comes in many different formats based on the API and the platform for which it was compiled. There are three poss
What is needed for a complete JetPCL installation?
A complete JetPCL installation requires many of the data files included with the JetPCL evaluation kit. The evaluation k
Do I need to use the JETPCL.WID file supplied?
No, this is not a required data file. It is needed only to emulate some of the older LaserJet Cartridge fonts by substit
Do I need to use the SFT files supplied?
No, these are not required data files. They are needed only to emulate some of the uncommon LaserJet fonts. However, Jet
How do I use the JetPclVC program?
The JetPCL Software Developer evaluation kit comes with an example program that uses the JetPCL DLL format. This program
How do I install JetPCL on a UNIX platform?
JetPCL is available for a variety of UNIX platforms. The installation procedure involves uncompressing the download file
How do I report a JetPCL problem?
A customer can report a problem by simple sending an e-mail to support@techknowsystems.com being sure to include the fol
Should I pass switches in my code or in a CFG file?
Switches that specify the input and output formats are good to hard code as well as any switches that will never need to
Which soft font switch options are best?
The soft font switch options are Autoload, IdNames, Permanent, Temporary, and None. They are fully documented JetPCL Use
What is the most I can know about an error condition?
A full error report from a JetPCL developer format includes 3 separate items. The returned error code by the Child Proce
Using the Win32 NET command with JetPCL
The Win32 NET command can be used to assign a port to a shared printer (such as JetPCL Document Capture or JetPCL Print
Tokenization Error - JetPCL ExitCode 2
This error occurs when JetPCL encounters too many invalid PCL escape codes. Normally JetPCL will skip over invalid esca
Maximum Concurrent Processes - JetPCL ExitCode 8
JetPCL will return ExitCode 8 when there are a maximum number of processes running concurrently. The -wait switch can
Windows Print Spool Files
Windows Print spool files will have PCL data in them when the print data they contain is intended for an HP LaserJet pr
How do I change the default JetPCL behavior?
Using the JetPcl.cfg file. All switches in the JetPcl.cfg file are read at the start of JetPCL processing before readin
How do I change the default JetPCL PCL emulation?

There are two ways to specify the default PCL emulation settings. Using the -Ipcl switch options (in JetPCL v9.5 and

How do I convert PCL print data into Postscript data?
Using the -Ipcl and -Opst switches. This switch combination will cause JetPCL to read PCL data as input, image it into
How does JetPCL handle concurrent processing?

Licensing allows for a certain number of concurrent processes. When JetPCL runs, it looks to see if there are other

Display page images in a Browser based application?

When using JetPCL to generate electronic document images for display in a web browser, there are two recommended me

Printing from a legacy DOS app to a non-PCL printer?

If you have an old DOS or Windows legacy application (or even a newer Windows application) that will only print on

How can I convert PDF files to TIFF or other formats?

JetPCL does not accept PDF files as input. However, using a mixture of JetPCL related tools this conversion is pos

Printing via LPR to JetPCL Document Capture

Microsoft explains the problem well on the link below.


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© 2020 Tech Know Systems Inc. Makers of JetPCL PCL emulation & conversion software
Last Updated: February 7th, 2025