Inserting images (such as logos, signatures and barcodes) into PCL data files. Read More »
JetPCL Evaluation
The best way to see if JetPCL is
right for you , is to download our
evaluation kit. The evaluation
packages includes; a limited version
of JetPCL, instructions,
testing files and documentation.
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"Systems Alternatives International chose to integrate JetPCL with our CRES and IMPACT software to enable paperless emailing of documents."
This file includes the source code to the JetPclVC.exe example program that is included in the JetPCL Software Developer Evaluation Kit.
This source code shows how to integrate the JetPCL Win32 DLL format or the JetPCL Win32
Child Process format into a standard Win32 Application. This source code is offered free
"AS IS" and is expected to be used solely as a tutorial for understanding the JetPCL
Developer API.